Historic Registration FAQ

Historic Vehicles in South Australia operate under a system of Conditional Registration.




CLICK HERE for FHMCSA          CLICK HERE for SA GOV Conditional Registration


Incorporated in Section 25 of the Motor Vehicles Act as amended in 1991, the scheme came into operation in February 1992 and allows prescribed vehicles more than twenty five years old to be operated without registration fee for a period not to exceed ninety days in one registration year.

To qualify a vehicle must comply with the requirements of the Road Traffic Act, be more than twenty five years old and the owner must be, and remain, a financial member of a recognised club.





  1. Become a member of SYP HVC or other Recognised Club

  2. Speak to one of our Authorisation Officers and they will complete an MR334 form for you.

  3. Lodge the form at Service SA centre.

  4. Once Service SA has transferred the vehicle onto conditional registration (Historic), purchase a logbook ($5) from the Authorisation Officer and have it stamped. Logbooks must be stamped every financial year and the books themselves expire after three years.




The following conditions apply to vehicles registered under the conditional registration scheme for historic, left-hand drive and street rod vehicles:

  • The vehicle cannot be driven for a fee, hire or reward.

  • The owner of the vehicle must be a financial member of a recognised motor vehicle club.

  • Before the start of each journey, details of the journey must be recorded in a logbook.

  • The owner must make their vehicle available for inspection at the request of the Registrar of Motor Vehicles or their recognised motor vehicle club.

  • The vehicle can only be driven on a road for up to 90 days during any one-year period of registration.

Logbooks must be:

  • issued by recognised motor vehicle clubs

  • in a form approved by the Registrar of Motor Vehicles

  • carried in the vehicle at all times while being used on the road.