Club Christmas Luncheon

18th November 2024

Club Christmas Function - Yorketown Bowling Club

Our Christmas Lunch will be held on the 15th of December. Meal orders must be into me by Friday 6th December

12 noon for 12.30pm.

Please keep sending your meal choices to me through Member Jungle or through email. ( )Partners, wives, husbands, kids all welcome!


The menu:


Roast Chicken and Roast Pork with vegetables

Crumbed Fish with Salad



Christmas Pudding with Cream or Custard or Ice Cream


$28 per head 

I'm happy to take money on the day.


Please disregard the invoice that comes through to your email- it happens when I enter everyones meal choices. Sorry about that!


Unfortunately this does clash with the YP Producers Market at Watsacowie. I think I might still go and park a couple of cars at the markets and then head to our Christmas Lunch. It would be good to support Watsacowie if we can.

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